
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

Google Trends And Gmail New Cool Tools

Google have done it again. Each time I open gmail account, I notice google keeps telling me, “Hey! We are out here talking to you.” The first new change was the smilies. You know the small tiny square faced icons that you can put on our messages to express...

Inspired To Learn Spanish

Spanish and ‘Batu Lesung’? Over the weekend, I reflected on my childhood learning experience. I took a picture of this pounder (‘batu lesung’) which most traditional Malay families use to prepare spices. It is made of granite stone, carved into a bowl which we use as...

Developing Good Listening Habits Part 2

Here are some basic ways you can achieve good listening habits: Shut down outside stimuli by taking down notes even if you do not have to. Look at the speaker even if you are ready to respond. Even if you have downloaded 6 free lessons, John Reese’s or Frank Kern’s...

My Aussie Blog

When I first visited Australia, I was pleasantly surprised and amused at how different English sounds. All along, we are taught to pronounce our English like it is the only way it is suppose to be. Australian accent is so different I could hardly understand a word...