
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

My Child Is Slow

My Child Is Slow. Do not listen to anyone or yourself even if you seem to think so yourself. Your child was amongst the fastest to find his or her way into the mother’s womb. Take it from me. It is relative term. Relative to the number of students in the...

A Comparison Of Animals And Humans At Birth

A comparison of animals and humans at birth. The adult animal raises its newborn by instinct. Upon deliverly, the baby animal is expected to walk , swim or fly like the adult. Small in size but ready to move by the time they are brought to the world. In other words,...

Latest Ebook Parenting Pearls

More than 12 years ago, I had a problem with my childbirth. It was a major ceasarian operation. After 9 months of placenta privia, it was a certainly a big sigh of relief to see my daughter safe and well . I chose to spend time with her as soon as I could. I did...