
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

Beat Bad Breath With Household Ingredients

We have all gone through one of these: escape to the bathroom to use breath spray or brush our teeth (other than the usual) to retain fresh breath for an interview, a meeting or a social gathering; waking up with an unpleasant or outright nasty odor in the mouth;...

Some People Just Can’t Say What They Know About Obama

Childhood Lessons: Do you claim you know things when you do not? Do you have to hide behind a curtain of ignorance to be accepted by your community? Do you state “I know it too” or “everybody knows it” when in actual fact you know nothing? Do you pretend to know...

Discover Your Learning Styles

  We basically receive information in 3 different ways:   Visually (impressions from the environment – pictures, actions, images from the living and non-living things) Auditory (also impressions from the environment but without images) Kinesthetic...

BlogRush Is Shutting Down

This is an email received from John Reese about BlogRush: BlogRush to me show details 9:33 AM (38 minutes ago) Reply After careful consideration, we have decided to shutdown the BlogRush service. If you have the widget code on your blog you will need to remove it....