by Annie Cook | Nov 10, 2011 | Language
If words meant as much as to a child as a birthday cake, then a letter will tell my daughter how much I appreciate her as my child.
by Annie Cook | Oct 10, 2011 | Language
In a recent episode of the XfactorUSA 2011, Nicole Scherzinger & Simon Cowell discuss whether the voice is an instrument. Simon absolutely disagreed but did not offer any suggestion. Would you consider your voice, ear, nose and all other sense organs as instruments?
by Annie Cook | Jul 8, 2011 | Personal Blog
There is not a single action in life that does not require the use of language. Whether it is online using google, facebook or offline selling, buying, writing complaints and making proposals, language is THE tool for communication. In order to be good at a...
by Annie Cook | May 30, 2011 | Language
One of the questions posted today on my Google Language Group is about closing an email. Can anyone suggest a good closing for e-mails. I’ve been using “Thanks”, which is kind of lame since I don’t always have any reason to be thanking. It...
by Annie Cook | May 27, 2011 | Language
This is a slide presentation I did at a preview talk with Business Passion Alliance. The session was about using Mandarin to increase business opportunities. I have to start with talking about the importance of learning Mandarin. The most important element is not to...