
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

Mother’s Day Posts Around The Worldwide Web

A collection of Mother’s Day posts received over the last few days. When we are with the Divine, The Divine is with us… When we are in His Presence, His Presence is in us…… What more could I long for? What more could I beg? The Time just...

Understanding Metaphors

Definition: A metaphor, or commonly known as a figure of speech, is used as analogy of ideas and objects. It usually begins by transferring the same word into a new sentence, the sense of which changes with the subject matter. By itself, the meaning of the word...

How To Start A Bilingual Conversation? (2)

In the previous post on “How to start a bilingual conversation”, I have written about the role of the subsconscious mind as a guide to help the mind produce an action by means a conscious decision and action. Here are two methods used. Read With Meaning If you...

How To Start A Bilingual Conversation

At what point can we start to have bilingual conversation? We have heard of people who have never picked up a textbook and still be able to speak two languages just by listening to conversations of others and surrounding themselves with foreign language speakers....