
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

Music, Lyrics and Movement : MLM Technique

A friend asks me yesterday why I love music? I do indeed. Languages have always been the reason music came to me and it seems music itself has also helped me to become a better language learner. I call it the MLM technique.. MLM technique is not multi-level marketing...

Drawing Day 2009: 1 Million In One Day

Do you love to draw? Do you enjoy drawing? Do you feel that you have a lot to say but which you would rather give in the form of a drawing? Would you draw on the plane? Could you try to draw with a pencil? Would you rather work with paints? Would you could you, join...

World Voice Day 2009

I want to talk about our special gift, the voice because today, April 16 is World Voice Day. Celine Dion has a voice doctor; David Beckham’s legs have his legs insured. Other people who do not own their bodies have vested interests in protecting and maintaining...

Learn With The Rhythm Of Childhood

All the characteristics modulations of languages are best acquired at a young age, preferably under the age of 7 years. It becomes clear to most adults who are learning a foreign language that they are carrying the imperfections characteristics of his native language...

Learn Spanish March Update

The time has come for my monthly Spanish language update. So what have I learned this month? I dared myself to write my first sentence in Spanish but I am not ready. Writing has to come later, after speech. I have spent time reading tweets in Spanish and occassionally...

Learn to Speak With A ROSE

This post highlights 3 basic differences in the way a child and an adult learn to speak a language. After knowing the differences, you can easily follow 4 basic rules of learning by remembering the name of a flower, the ROSE. Number One. An adult has a pre-conceived...