Jazima’s Live Recital At LASALLE College of the Arts
Someone once said to me, “Hanifa / Annie, when you have a child, you have them forever.” These are the words that keep ringing in my mind every time I look at my daughter, who is now 19 years old.
From the time I started blogging on Childhoodspeech, I have often told myself that unless I am able to raise and lead my own child to success, I can never experience true success in life. Eversince then, whenever I set out on my journey to be a professional speaker, I have always made certain that my daughter’s education and dreams will also be fulfilled. I believe this is the reason why our lives become meaningful.
My musically talented daughter, Jazima Cook, has been attending classes at the LLASALLE College of the Arts for the past 3 years since 2018. April 28, 2021 marks the last day of her 3 year Diploma course and my husband and I were amongst 10 guests who were invited to watch her perform live in front of her teachers. She sang 6 songs in total.
Her original composition, All On My Own, was my favourite. As she she started singing the first notes, I noticed a sudden silence enveloped the room. At first, it was just dead silence. As soon as the first note hit the air, I felt her earnest and warmth in my arms. I felt a tear in my eye as I reflected on those nights she sat in front of the piano with a guitarist, Syafiq, as they created the melody together. Hannah, one of her closest girlfriend, sat quietly beside. As the music broke the silence, her beautiful voice started to fill the space and I started to listen to every note with pride, gratitude and relief. Here is my daughter, Jazima Cook, all grown up and she sang her song like a story and it was beautiful.

Jazima’s ChildhoodspeechR success has finally arrived.
At the end of event, we waited outside the room. We saw a party of friends and crew members gathered as they spoke about the performance. Those who were invited included Hernando, Dzaky, Hannah, Bri, Ridz (Ridzuan) and Saheid. We were fortunate to watch her perform because during the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been difficult to open the stage to more people.
I had a chance to speak to her vocal and piano teachers. They had these to share.
“She has finally found her own voice and came out on her own.”
“I am the examiner, and she ticked all the boxes. It is not common to find such professionalism in a student. The band knew what to do without her having to say much. She has to perform more.”
“You guys (parents) did all the hard work, I just kinda push her along. That is all.”
These are the words any parent would like to hear from the teachers. It makes me happy and proud. On a day like this, the only thing left to do. To celebrate with gratitude and embrace the success.
Jazima Cook, my daughter, will pursue her degree with direct honours in music at LASALLE College of the Arts. Congratulations!
If you would like to know how I raised my daughter to realise her own dreams and tap on her inner potential, you may purchase the book from Amazon.

There is an entire chapter on how to look for the child’s 5 love that were submitted to London when I studied long distance for the Diploma in Montessori Method. I still use these methods to this day whenever I learn something new, including riding a bicycle. I shall discuss in the coming blogs.
In conclusion, I am just proud to share this great news with you. When we approach learning like a child, we can be 100% certain that we will keep our mind and hearts open.
You may wish to follow the talented Jazima Cook on her Facebook.