
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

Childhoodspeech|Look At The Child | Follow The Child

I went out for dinner with my daughter and husband a few days ago and while waiting for our meal to arrive, I started thinking about those good old days when we spent time with mum eating at this place. I could still hear her voice and see her sitting at the table...

Back To Blogging, Surviving The Year 2020

How Will You Survive In The Year 2020? Jack Ma says the year 2020 is not the year to build dreams and aspirations. The year 2020 is the time to think of how to stay alive. So if you asked me how I will survive the year 2020, then I probably have to go back in time to...

Pass Down The Books You Neither Read Nor Need

一本书从手中传过时, 感觉二手抱着平稳而不容置喙地姿态接受我的诚意, 到底她会用到吗? 站在她旁边的母亲耳闻目睹, 随口一句:”说谢谢Ms Hanifa. 她读小三,这可以用到。” 孩子低声说谢谢,眼睛望着我的脸部,却不敢对着我说话。 她是学生, 家长做决定, 无法和家长进行谈判。 在我身边才几个月, 舍得忘掉自己是主人, 希望二手能认真读进去,要么就完全没人用到。知识收藏着会变成无价的财物, 用了才算是自己的。 Passed this down to another person who may need...

Reflection On Becoming A Bilingual Speaker

Are you bilingual? Many adult learners who are trying to learn Mandarin again after using English as their preferred language of communication are faced with a difficult challenge. They are constantly translating and think in English as they write or speak. The result...