
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

This “Please” Is No Magic Word

I have often wondered why the word ‘Please’ is not as often used when we conduct lessons for children. Take a look at the following ways of inviting a child to the work area by asking him questions like: “Would you come with me please?” “Would you like to come with me...

Poor Kid, Many Languages

I can almost relate to this street kid in India who can speak many languages. Here are two videos from when he was a kid. He is still selling on the street. Listen to the diction and pronunciation; no hesitation no reservation, just great confidence on the sight...

WordPress Theme: Pain In The Neck

I have been working for the past two days trying to add new pages using my old theme. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this term WordPress Theme, let me just explain a little. If you are looking for a new apartment to move into, you will probably want to study...