
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

Scr 7 May 07, 2014 11.54 AM
Do you tell your child about fear and how you have overcome all your fears to have him or her?

Do you remember how you seemed to have forgotten you were weak and tired?

Do you recall telling yourself, “Don’t worry, baby. You will be fine. Mum is here.”?

Do you speak to your child every day to stay calm and relax ?

The obstacles never seem to bother you. You know they are there but you are able to find the strength to overcome them anyway. Sometimes, you wonder how you even managed to pull it off, so to speak.Fear is an ingredient placed in your mind because your brain wants to protect you from harm. It acts as a thermostat to stop you from acting without thinking, doing without trying, and deciding without consultation.

How do you live with fear?

You can live with fear but you must not live in fear. Fear, when you fully understand it, has a way of helping you catch up with your goals. You stop procrastinating. You let go of your fears. Sometimes, you should be thankful you are fearful because it is from fear that courage is born.

Do  not get stuck in your own #fear

The first fear is the fear of making mistakes, Because you know it’s possible.

The second fear is the fear of trying, Because trying means changing the way you work, think and feel.

The third fear is the fear of letting go, Because you think you need something else to fill that space.

The fourth fear is the fear of changing, Because change limits your control.

The fifth fear is fear of hurt, Because you want to keep the only love you have left to yourself.

The sixth , seventh……hundredth…..Don’t get stuck in your own fear.

Do Not Instil Fear In Your Child

When a child knows he or she is about to be separated from a parent , the brain starts to remember everything about the parent. The child remembers what to look after himself or herself.  Where the keys are, when the next class is , how to keep the pencil boxes, where shoes are. etc. The fear of losing someone, will trigger the brain to figure out a way to remember as quickly and as much as possible about all important matters. So fear works, as long as it’s not instilled fear. The child needs to respond to fear by being more desirable to overcome it or stive to be better.

Telling your child the dangers of standing at the window in a high rise building is called protection. It is different from instilled fear. Instilled fear cuts off all the basic survival instincts and stifles movement, thinking and even emotions. Instilled fear preys on the subconscious and actually triggers the conscious mind to think of the many ways of failing. Therefore, a child who has been instilled by fear become powerless.‪

Don’t instil fear in your children. It doesn’t work. It’s only going to lead to lack of interest in learning how to live.