
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

How To Teach Yourself A New Foreign Language

Here are my magic steps on how I teach myself to speak non-native languages. I also sugggest you print this post to keep a hardcopy for your reference. Learn first to say hello in that language. People forget that when we were a child,that is the word that our parents...

Music, Lyrics and Movement : MLM Technique

A friend asks me yesterday why I love music? I do indeed. Languages have always been the reason music came to me and it seems music itself has also helped me to become a better language learner. I call it the MLM technique.. MLM technique is not multi-level marketing...

Drawing Day 2009: 1 Million In One Day

Do you love to draw? Do you enjoy drawing? Do you feel that you have a lot to say but which you would rather give in the form of a drawing? Would you draw on the plane? Could you try to draw with a pencil? Would you rather work with paints? Would you could you, join...