
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

I am excited to receive a book in the mail today. This is a book by Mike Gardner. It is called Business Owners, You Family Misses You., Time Management strategies that free up two hours a day and get you loved again.

Why am I excited about this book? It is because it does not just addressed successful people. It does show what successful people do. And give you tips and strategies for you to be successful, and still be able to spend time with your family.

I am also excited because it is holistic. It does not just talk about procrastination, career and mission statement. It addresses balancing your time at work and family.

You can read several tips from business owners, including myself, on how they balance their life at work and with the family.

Congratulations Mike Gardner, and thank you for publishing my input to the book.


If you want to read about what I have to say about this topic, click this link here to make your purchase with Amazon.

About Mike Gardner:

Mike Gardner is ‘The Time Doctor’ and is highly regarded as one of the UK’s  leading Time Management and Productivity specialists. being regularly featured in the top 0.1% of people writing about time management and productivity on the internet in addition to being regularly featured in articles in the small business sections of both online and off-line media outlets around the world.

He is also the author of the award winning Time Doctor Blog and was recently shortlisted for the United Kingdom Specialist Coach of the Award.