Lingo means dialect or jargon. To understand the lingo of a certain language means to be immersed the culture and practice of the community; otherwise, you will feel lost in translations.
I have been speaking at least 3 – 4 languages for the past 40 years. One aspect of language proficiency is the ability to immerse in the culture and practice of the community. It is not an easy thing to do as an adult. A community’s perception of other people’s culture stems from their own belief system and functions. You can feel this straight away.
First they ask you simple questions: small talk turns into a mini-interview like where are you from, how are you, where you live. Then it starts to get deeper with things you do and how you live. I mean if you have just joined a community, you can see how they live but they need you to explain how you live to understand you better right. There is a need for two way exchange. This is still not immersion, it is only orientation.
You start getting immersed only if you are able to adapt. Yet, the hardest part of foreign language learning is to feel for the culture and practise. This is adaptation. I grew up in 3 languages and the 4th is my mother tongue, which I did not study. Adaption is not even a process I had to deal with; I was surrounded by the right environment to help grow into the language.
There are 4 major steps to get into the lingo (for more detailed explanation of how each step works, do not hesitate to leave your comment):
- Orientation: You discover new and strange habits, sayings and practises, make awkward adjustments and ponder over little details you find alien. You make connections through simple greetings and exchanging contacts.
- Adaptation: You let go and let loose your personal belief system to allow new and unfamiliar beliefs into your books. You become open-minded, tolerant, approachable and likeable.
- Immersion: You enjoy the food, culture and practises. Become one of the mates. You speak their slangs but some.
OCKER – uncultured Australian manSunday dog – lazy person
Pie-eater – resident of South Australia
Good on ya! – good for you!
Good sort – attractive young woman
- Cohesion: You sound and behave like one. I can speak so well in Mandarin, a phone interview landed me a job as a first language Mandarin teacher.