
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

Concentration is key to good memory

The areas in your brain that process this information for your memory are the hippocampus (the primitive structure in the brain), amygadala (processes emotion), cerebral cortex (used for processing information for long term memory such as languages) and network of...

How To Teach Yourself A New Foreign Language

Here are my magic steps on how I teach myself to speak non-native languages. I also sugggest you print this post to keep a hardcopy for your reference. Learn first to say hello in that language. People forget that when we were a child,that is the word that our parents...

Mother, 母亲, Ibu, Madre

“Ibu” adalah wanita teragung, wanita Mulia yang patut kita sanjungi, tiada ibu tiadalah seri Hidup ini. Sayang Ibu membawa “syurga”, sentuhan Ibu membawa Bahagia. Dakapannya menghangatkan Hati..membawa “Ridho Illahi” Thank you mom for teaching me to be a mother. Happy...