
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

Tip On How To Be Bilingual

You don’t necessarily have to speak two languages fluently to think like a bilingual person. Unless you have been living ‘seperti katak di bawah tempurong‘ or ‘like frogs in a well’ or 坐井观天,you would probably not have taken any notice of the foreign word you can...

Tips From Grocery Shopping Receipts

Picture yourself spending money in China, Spain or Germany. Focus on the process from entering the supermarket and choosing your items to standing in front of the cashier to pay for your items. The grocery receipt is the main item you want to get to verify that your...

Australian Lingo

Lingo means dialect or jargon. To understand the lingo of a certain language means to be immersed the culture and practice of the community; otherwise, you will feel lost in translations. I have been speaking at least 3 – 4 languages for the past 40 years. One...