
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

Australian Lingo

Lingo means dialect or jargon. To understand the lingo of a certain language means to be immersed the culture and practice of the community; otherwise, you will feel lost in translations. I have been speaking at least 3 – 4 languages for the past 40 years. One...

Random Thoughts On Music And Language

Music is created to help people communicate with one another by an expression of words that come from the heart. Children can relate to music much easier than adults because they are spontaneous with their responses to experiences with the environment. When I use...

Languages Of Faith And Religion

I have learnt that using non-native words to describe religion, faith and belief is one of the strongest methods to connect with the foreign language. I have done it since childhood and every year, Ramadhan, Christmas, Lebaran, Hari Raya Haji, Sabbath, Chinese New...

Put Your Shoes By Yourself

Remember how the teachers and parents celebrate the victorious acts of our tiny accomplishments in kindergarten and childhood? We had taken lots of time and effort to teach ourselves to eat, wash, get dressed, and put on our shoes with our tiny fingers. we were...