
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

Why Do We Love To Talk About Our Childhood?

I have been blogging on Childhoodspeech® for more than 10 years. My purpose is to discover how a child thinks and sees the world. In the decade long journey, I found myself uncovering events that happened in my own childhood. Although there were many events, I seem to...

The Easiest Way To Speak Chinese Fast

Have you ever wondered how to speak Chinese quickly? Hi. I want to share with you a simple method by using everyday objects and pictures. Research has shown that we process information quicker when we connect it with photographs. Connect words with pictures Imagine...

Reflection On Becoming A Bilingual Speaker

Are you bilingual? Many adult learners who are trying to learn Mandarin again after using English as their preferred language of communication are faced with a difficult challenge. They are constantly translating and think in English as they write or speak. The result...