
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

I cannot hold back my tears watching and listening to news of the war in Gaza. Pictures continue to point to one end….kids and the innocent getting killed. They are not human shield, miliatias, or terrorist. Please….. Kids are not your enemies! Not even those born in your enemy’s grounds.

We teach our kids to respect us, expect them to say Please and Thank You. Please is certainly not a magic word anymore and “Thank You” seems to express vengence with a smack or insinuation, not of appreciation and gratitude.

Dear Almighty,

Pray that YOU hear my prayer for this to come to an end and never to begin again. Not ever. Not anywhere. Maybe YOU want us to learn our own ills and feel the compassion in our hearts. Maybe YOU have YOUR reasons to take away our children in this manner. Give us wisdom to recognise our trespassings and help us bring back order to the world and humankind that YOU so love.

Humbly Yours