
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth


We basically receive information in 3 different ways:


Visually (impressions from the environment – pictures, actions, images from the living and non-living things)

Auditory (also impressions from the environment but without images)

Kinesthetic (movement of things in the environment)

A. Visual Learner:

You like movies, comics, theatres, diagrams and maps more than lectures and explanations. You love: flowcharts and bullet points for your reports. Animation and graphics grab you faster than lengthy documents that need reading. You respond to colour and pictures better than sounds and speech.

B. Auditory Learners

You enjoy music and talking. You are probably good listeners and able to retain verbal information easier; you like lectures and have longer attention span during operas and speeches. You love the radio and can’t do without sounds ringing in your ears. You respond well to verbal instructions because you are able to retain sound information better than visual information. You do not enjoy working with geometry, flow charts or diagrams (computer programming, architecture, designing not your cup of tea).

C. Kinesthetic Learners

You love to move and experience. You love to travel and move about; not able to sit still for more than your patience can handle (field managers, construction workers, pre-school teachers, athletes, ballet dancers.) You like drama, acting, repeat an action to reinforce your concept or point of view.

For example, when a new word is introduced to you, the word registers better in your head if you watch the word come alive through acting or demonstration. You need someone to demonstrate to you rather than being told.

To identify your learning styles, you can try to list down things that interest you most and then work backwards. You may then identify the kind of language course or method which suits you the best.

What do you do next?

If you are visual:

– you can get the experience from interaction with the environment; visualize what the foreign words represent in real life – use language charts, drama, watch movies with foreign subtitles, go to concerts of non-native singers, watch non-native movies with native subtitles

If you are auditory:

– you will no problem to find the resources as all you need is for the sound to come to you in the form of radio, music, speeches, books, narrations, songs and stories.

If you are kinesthetic:

– find a partner to work with, travel to places where you can find locals speaking the non-native tongue you are learning, use the internet to surf for foreign speakers and start networking, exchange pictures of your travel, use picture cards, play monopoly games from different countries and languages.