
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

Breaking News!

We finally have our Facebook page. And even more good news is, we have a fanpage with our own URL. Yes!!!

Why Does It Take So Long?

You may be asking me now, why does it take me so long to go to Facebook? When I started this blog in 2008, my daughter was still only very young, 8 years old. So social media was still not the way to meet people online. I think I was lucky not to be using Facebook to promote this blog. Imagine, me online all the time talking to people on social media while my daughter watches on. Now the smartphone has taken over the computer market. Kids as young as 2 year old will know what a handphone is, some even have a tablet in their hands while sitting in the strollers, oblivious of all that is happening in the world. It is a sad truth. I am very fortunate. My daughter and I have been spared of modern technology that is now preying on our little ones, even at home.

Moving On, Here It IS!




Our Facebook Group

We also have a Facebook group called iPostForParents . This group support kids’ development for life and education. We are a closed group dedicated to support one another in a platform to share, collaborate and channel our focus and attention for our kids. I would love for you to join this group and support the call of parenthood and caregiving without boundaries. There will be other parents who are experts and professionals from other countries waiting to share their experience with us.


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