
Speak For Love | Communicate For Confidence | Inspire For Growth

I was a childhood star; I have been indeed blessed.

I was a childhood star; I have been indeed blessed.

I was probably 13 or 14 years old when this was published.

I was a child star. the headline read:


A Malay Student Child Actress Who Speaks Mandarin

My father was very proud and had kept this in a photo frame. I have been keeping it in a folder eversince. He died when I was 23 years old. Mum was born in 1929; she is now 80 years old. Both of my parents can speak only 1 language, Malay. All of us, the children, are trilingual. We had not joined any gifted programmes; we were just a bunch of kids enjoying growth as it unfolded. How my parents had to put up with us when we spoke foreign languages around the house, I had no idea.

When I started Childhoodspeech, I wanted to tell the world how to enjoy speaking different languages. Now you can tell from many success stories: Louis Hamilton, Jesse Cook, Tiger Woods, Michael Jackson, Andrew Lloyd Weber, and thousands others, that childhood has everything to do with the man we have become.

I stared hard at the newspaper cutting and it felt really good inside that I wanted to share with more people than just my family. I hesitated at first because I am shy; but my husband insists that I post it on the site.

I hope Childhoodspeech will motivate, inspire and encourage many parents, loved ones and language learners to understand and believe that childhood methods work.

I have taught children and adults different subjects. The only way knowledge can ever be retained is when it is given presented simply in a step by step programme. It does not matter if you are doing internet marketing or writing a recipe book; simplicity, precision and childlike approaches are more effective than we think.